Thursday 31 August 2017

my scoring game

ive been focusing so much on my injury and my shooting that i forgot how good my drive was. and because i focused so much on practicing and taking shots off off-ball screens, i barely did any layups in game. and because i rarely take layups, my layup game degened to the point i cldnt even recognize it and i had no idea why. i was missing the easiest right side minihook layups and left side 2 step layins and i thought it was just bad luck. now i know. all my layup practice came from in game. because during my peak, nobody could stop me. my shot opened up my game, and i took layups all day long because nobody could stop me blowing by them. and even if they caught up, a simple stop gave an open superclose shot, or a step through gave another open layup. 

well, im back.
i no longer feel the need to take on 2 or 3 people with my current bballiq. with my decent enough shot, i can fire if my defender backs off too much to cancel out my drive. precisely the two problems that caused my acl tear, removed from my game. but my isolation drive doesnt need to be removed from my game. and i realized it today playing one v one with some random today. he was exactly at the average kebun bahru cc ahbeng level. the court i dominated for a year. it was so long since i played w some random one v one that i forgot how impossible to stop i was. after i rattled off around 10 straight, he complained: ur too good i wont even get to touch the ball!

My go to moves

1) Drive right, pull up jumper (you need to have a jumper or anyone can guard you by sagging off)

2) Drive left, pull up jumper

3) Drive right, crossover to left, pull up jumper

4) Drive right, inside out crossover, pull up jumper

5) Drive right, inside out crossover, pump fake hesitation, right all the way for mini hook off the board

6) Drive right, inside out crossover, pump fake hesitation, right all the way, 2 feet jump stop, pump fake and step through

7) Drive right, inside out crossover, crossover to left, 2 step layup

8) Drive right, inside out crossover, crossover to left, 2 step jump stop, pump fake and shot

9) Drive right, inside out crossover, crossover to left, dream shake, spin and hook

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