Thursday, 17 September 2015

Moving on

Its hard, but one day i will be able to do it.

Hopefully it wont take 7 years this time lol =.="

I was in love with someone who didnt love me back.

It was extremely difficult to admit that. Especially for someone like me.

The first step to moving on is to admit these painful facts to myself.

I was in love, and it clouded my judgement. As the mist clears, I realize all the signs pointed that way.

Remembering the scenes from a third person perspective, i wonder how i could have been so blind. Someone like me, who is usually so sharp and quick witted. heh.

But thats what they say about love isnt it? that its blind? Its clear now that i was in love, and she was only with me because im the "logical" choice.

I dont deserve that. I want a girl who will love me so much, she makes all my friends jealous. someone who loves me so much she throws away her inhibitions and showers me with affection. Why do i deserve it, because im so ready to do the same for her. Its not even hard, i dont even need to try because i actually WANT to do it. i want to treat her like a princess and make all her friends jealous of her. its fun for me to do that.

But i want the same for myself. I want to be the prince, not the stable boy.

Its painful to admit, but she wasnt in love with me. sure, she liked me. big deal. i loved her.

I need a girl who loves me. Someone who cant help but laugh at my retarded jokes. Someone who loves the sound of my voice. Someone who doesnt want ever want to go home when we're out together. Someone who likes it when i pat her head. Someone who can just sit with me and do nothing for the entire day. Someone who is worried the day will end and we will have to go home soon, because that would be what i would be thinking also.

I have always taken a long time to fall out of love. a HORRIBLY long time.
I fall too deep and it takes a freaking long time to climb out.

well... no worries right? 7 more years and ill be ready to get out there again! yayhoo!!!

I never realized i was such a romantic omg.. 3 years ago me would totally be judging current me now. big time.

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