I just realized i totally forgot to blog about my insane happiness on graduating with my ultimate goal of first class honours.
So much has happened in the past 3 months...
Graduation. Romance. Career.
I had barely enough time to even stop and take it all in.
But stop i shall. Or at least take a mini pause this lovely sunday afternoon before i go out to meet my lovely angel in the evening.
First, year 4.
I blogged in the past (december 2014) about how i felt i was on a different level to everyone else. I was aceing the modules, without any apparent effort on my part. The results came back, and i indeed aced them all. In what was the easiest semester of my life thus far.
Well, year 4 sem 2 was largely the same. I even started working part-time at Mobicart, it was so easy. I did it for free, though, only for the purpose of cementing my position as Mobicart's 1st employee, yknow, establish yourself as lao da. My cousin calls it peeing over my territory.
I actually flaked on grad trip with my frens just so i could start work immediately after my final exams in sem 2. (i think they're still pissed).
My final exam ended on friday; i started work officially on the next monday. 2 days break. I love it. Anyway the final year wasn't even hard for me. I had basically finished my final year project in the first sem, and even though i barely touched it in sem 2, received A+.
I was nervous, mind. Don't get me wrong. It was nervewracking waiting for the one result that would determine whether i received first class or 2nd upper. My exuberance when i saw that A+ was out of this world. I was actually in office when i stood up and punched the air in celebration.
It was one... serious... hell of a roller coaster ride. Most people have a rather mundane education journey; they study hard, get As, go to uni, get Bs, graduate and go to work.
I topped my primary school, went to a good school, and promptly failed half my subjects in middle school, nearly got retained, got Ds and Es in high school, barely got into uni on probation, and topped the country.
I won't complain about the bumpy ride i made myself undergo. Honestly, i wouldn't have it any other way; it makes for a fun story to tell at parties. And the most important part is that i managed to finish on the highest point i ever reached in the first chapter of my life. I finished strong, and thats what matters.
This gives me the perfect springboard for the next phase of my life. My career.
I won't lie. Romance will always have to take a backseat to my career. It is my life, my dream, my ambition. If i lose those things, i will become a broken man immediately. Nothing is more important to me.
The first 3 months have been wild, to say the least.
In the first month, i lost track of the number of times i wanted to give up. I was expected to be the leader, the main engine of Mobicart in the technical department. I felt sure that my CEO had chosen the wrong man for the job.
I knew nothing. The code was in javascript and html. Never touched those before in my life. Thousands of lines making my head swim. It was nightmarish. Servers, and command line coding. Whats all this?
I took a deep breath whenever i had those panic attacks, calmed myself, and learnt. Absorbed like a sponge.
Cue the end of month 1.
I had achieved some confidence in my abilities. I roughly knew what i was doing now, and i was keeping ahead of my CEO's expectations. I finished my first project, an automatic language translation feature. I can still vividly remember the feeling of seeing it work. It was just a small feature but i showed it off to everyone i knew, and all colleagues around me. I was proud, it was the first evidence that he had not made a mistake. I belonged here, in the World of Mark Zuckerbergs and Bill Gates(s). I was here to stay.
By month 3, i was in my element. I made a huge mistake halfway through, sure. But i fixed it. And the mistake allowed me to learn even more. I had arrived. It is an exciting time now for Mobicart. We're struggling, sure. But i have plans that will give it the boost it needs to become a big time player in the mobile applications field. In the coming months, i will put these plans in play, and we will see if I am right.
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