Wednesday 23 May 2018

Public enemy number 1

Ill always be public enemy number 1. I am a natural villain.
Nobody will truly help me from the bottom of their heart.
I will never win any popularity contests. Normal people won't like me.
Some people truly like me, but they are few in number and definitely have a unique taste.

All my life i've felt this.
its just how i am.
My natural demeanour, which i am not going to change as it gives me my edge, my competitiveness and my drive.)
Some people are the same but they still get supported because of the underdog concept. Its like lebron james vs terry rozier one on one. it just smells unfair.
I'll never be an underdog. unless i somehow get the chance to go against steph one on one in bball. or chess match against whoever is the best in the world. all very specific situations.

in life, i'll never be an underdog. i will never get treated that way. I will never receive the love and support that underdogs receive.

I was sad about it before, but i see the light now.

afterall, whats the alternative?

There are 3 possibilities. 2 are extremes. One is 5% of the human population. Obnoxious lowlifes without any EQ whatsoever that get hated no matter what. Lets not consider that group.
the other is 1% of the human population. Mr/Mrs Perfect, and yet completely humble. True leaders. I'm not one of them.

The last 2 groups are the group that I am, and the group that i'm not. The 2 majority groups.
Out of every 3 people around you, 2 belong to the group i'm not, and the last belongs to the group I'm in.

The group I'm not has a chance to be popular and liked.

Who doesn't want to be popular and liked? i know i do. its not that people hate me. I feel respect from nearly everyone. I'm impressive and a leader in my own way, and I'm authentic. People respect me for that. But they dont love me. who doesn't want to be loved?

but i need to be something else.

i need to be a worthy opponent. someone strong who always tries their best at everything is the ultimate worthy opponent. this is something i more than want. its something i need.

I love that all through my life, people have wanted to beat me. its not that they hate me. some of them really like me. it is because there is real meaning in beating me.

I am the final boss. When you beat me, you get the ultimate reward.
You know you beat the best, at his best.

And the only way to do that, is to give your best.

I don't want anyone to give me chance. I hate that. I hate that more than losing fair and square. Its not even close. I would take losing fair and square 10 times out of 10.

Thats also why i dont give anyone chance aside from kids. I dont want to cheat them of the chance of beating me at my best. I don't want to waste their time.

The last thing i want is pity. I am the best and i know it. I don't need help. I'll take help if i can get it, but i dont need it.

No man is an island. But i am one.

And i am a tough-as-nails island. I will never sink.

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