Friday 3 November 2017

I have trust issues

It's not an uncommon thing but this can be toxic to a relationship. 
When you really love someone there is an underlying fear of losing them and one of the worse types of losing them, is losing them to someone else. First ask yourself why you feel this way? 
Often it is fear driving it with no proof beyond imaged proof. 
Avoid the trap of imagining hypothetical scenarios based on non-existent proof and trying talking to your partner. 
Explain to them that you realise these feelings are based only on emotional fears and you are not accusing them of anything. Talking and finding ways to move past this together can make your relationship stronger. 
My own partner took this approach with me and we walked about every little thing that triggered these thoughts. 
This allowed me to look at the situation from her perspective and I could see that sometimes my behaviour would indeed be worrying to her and I was able to correct myself. This greatly strengthened our relationship. 
Again, it is important to assure them that you are not accusing them though, as this can lead to defensive behaviour which is not a good situation for a discussion and to work through things.

(forgot which website i plucked this from)

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