Monday, 15 August 2016

The little prince

I thought it sucked donkey balls for me.

there, i said it. blast me if you wish.

However, i cannot say it is a bad movie. If anything, it is a great movie. Its impact on many is intense. The movie created alot of tears, which is remarkable. I can only conclude that its theme appeals to many people, and i can certainly see the skill in its execution.

It didn't appeal to me at all.

I guess thats a good thing, in a different way one would expect. I didn't retain any "childlike hope" which would lead to me not relating to the movie. Afterall, those who are heavily touched into tears by this movie are the ones who feel they went over to the "dark side" and have a life of monotone "grown up essential-ness".

If anything, I have less "childlike hope" than any of those people. Some of them even still retain hope that something amazing would happen one day to rescue them from their monotone.

I'm 100% raw practicality.

I want something, i work for it.

I was yawning during the movie and checking my phone. I NEVER check my phone during movies.

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